Virus and Spyware Removal

Computer programs running slowly? Seeing unwanted ads and pop-up windows? Your device may be infected with viruses or spyware. We have the expertise to get things running cleanly again.

Data Recovery

It's scary to think important computer files and photos are just gone. We know how you're feeling and are here to help. Make a reservation and I will get to work recovering your data.

Computer Diagnosis and Repair

Is your computer or tablet broken, or won't start? No worries, just make a reservation and I will diagnose what's wrong and make all necessary repairs.
Need Wi-Fi at your new home? Or maybe your current internet and streaming services are running slowly? We can diagnose issues and do what's necessary to give you a faster wireless network.

Device Setup

Get started the right way. We'll set up a new device, including a PC, tablet, mobile or networkable device, or up to five wireless devices.


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